Abuja’s Thriving Tech Scene: Top Tech Companies Leading the Way 

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Abuja’s Thriving Tech Scene: Top Tech Companies Leading the Way 

There are 37 Companies in Abuja
that cover 88 Services & Industries!

Discover top IT Companies in Abuja specialized in web development, software development, web design, UI/UX design, digital marketing, branding and more.

Top Tech Companies Leading the Way

Abuja, Nigeria’s vibrant capital, is not only a hub of political activity but also a burgeoning center for technological innovation. From startups to established firms, the city is home to a diverse array of tech companies that are driving forward progress and shaping the future of Nigeria’s digital landscape. In this blog post, we shine a spotlight on 10 tech companies in Abuja that are making waves with their innovative solutions and entrepreneurial spirit.

Smart Biz Tech HUB (SBH) Abuja

Smart Biz is a focal point for Innovation Start-up Incubation, Technology Transfer, Knowledge & Skill Impartation, Prototype Development and Fabrication.

Through different programs and initiatives, we bring together brilliant minds and gifted hands from across board, to whom we provide access to mentoring, expertise, enabling environment, and cutting-edge facilities needed to make their dreams come alive.

Google Developer Group (GDG) Abuja

Google Developer Group (GDG) Abuja

Google Developer Group (GDG) Abuja is a vibrant community fostering innovation and collaboration among tech enthusiasts, developers, and entrepreneurs through events, workshops, and meetups, supported by Google’s cutting-edge technologies and tools, all aimed at building a thriving tech ecosystem in Abuja and beyond.


DevFest is the largest and most inclusive community-led technology conference in the world! DevFest is proud to embrace developers from all corners of the globe and with diverse backgrounds. Every year, Google Developer Groups host DevFests, where attendees explore developer tools, learn from Google Developer Experts, and connect with other developers from their local community.

Open Source Community Africa (OSCA) Abuja

Open Source Community Africa (OSCA) Abuja

Open Source Community Africa is a community aimed at creating and supporting the open source movement within Africa. As a community, we intend to help integrate the act of open source contribution to African developers whilst strongly advocating the movement of free and open source software.

Join the community: Open Source Community Africa

Polygon Guild Abuja

Polygon Guild Abuja

Polygon Guilds serve as hubs for Developer Communities supporting them locally in there region with various Dev activities and fostering collaboration.There are about 110 Polygon Guilds across the 51 Countries, and Counting!!!

Connect: Polygon Guild


SKILL-UP NIGERIA is powered by Smart Biz TECH HUB for Kids and Students and we are in Partnership with;

  • Federal Ministry of Communications, Innovations and Digital Economy & 3MTT
  • Jarvis Robotech

…with a vision to create a supportive and empowering community of young minds that sparks creativity, encourages innovations & problem solving instinct through soft skill acquisition.


An intensive Expository Project Oriented SKILL-UP Summer Bootcamp to introduce students into soft skills in these categories;

  • Drone Design
  • 3D Modeling & Printing
  • Coding
  • Graphics Design
  • Robotics & A.I Automation
  • Photography
  • Cinematography

Creative Graphics enthusiast club Still and motion graphics designs using Photoshop, Corel draw, Illustrator, Lightroom and other advanced softwares incorporating A.I into design. Students get a certificate of participation and a Diploma from Opus and Google at the end of the advanced class in SS3.

Creative Arts Club Photography; photoshot, photo manipulation & incorporation of A.I into Photography, Cinematography; Videoshot, Audio and video manipulation, and Acting. Students get certification from Smart Biz HUB in Partnership with 360 Film Academy, Diploma from udemy at the end of the advanced class in SS3.

Javis robotech Club 3D designs and Modeling, 3D printing, Circuit Design, coding and Automation, robotics, drones, jet engine design, electric cars design. Students get Diploma in 3D Modeling, Diploma in Robotics from Javis Robotech, Awari and udemy at the end of the advanced class in SS3.

Techie Club Software development such as Jumia, messaging softwares like facebook etc., Gaming development and Website with programming languages such as HTML, PHP ^ Laravel, JAVA Script, Python, React. Diploma in Software Engineering, Web development, Programing from Google Digital Skills for Africa, OPUS and Udemy.

Connect: Polygon Guild

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